Our Founder
Our founder and Chairman of the BoD İrfan Hüseyin Yıldız was graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences – Department of Economics in 1985. He holds a master degree from Yeditepe University in the area of Accounting and Finance. He attended foreign language courses in Istanbul, Cologne, London, Belgium and Tampa.
He worked as a Tax Inspector at the Ministry of Finance, and then as an Audit Coordinator at Çukurova Holding A.Ş. He founded his own company under the name of “IHY Bağımsız Denetim ve YMM A.Ş.”, an independent member of Morison KSi, in 1995.
Our Key Audit Partner İrfan Hüseyin Yıldız has both Sworn Financial Advisory license and stamp given by Ministry of Finance, and auditor license and stamp given by Capital Markets Board of Turkey and Public Oversight Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority.
Alongside his professional interests, İrfan Hüseyin Yıldız is a member of numerous business organizations. İrfan Hüseyin Yıldız was a member of the Board of Discipline and Board of Directors in Union of Chambers of Certified Public Accountants of Turkey (TÜRMOB) for 6 years. He performed as a General Accountant in TÜRMOB for ten years. Currently, he is member of Board of Directors and Vice President at TÜRMOB. In addition, İrfan Hüseyin Yıldız was a member of Board of Advertisement in the Ministry of Trade for five years.
İrfan Hüseyin Yıldız, a Sworn Financial Advisor (YMM), is also known as a reputable educator and is a regular speaker at tax forums and seminars organized by professional associations. He was writing weekly articles on financial and economic issues for Akşam and Güneş newspapers for more than 15 years. He had a television programme named “Hafta Başı” in SkyTürk channel. Besides, İrfan Hüseyin Yıldız attended numerous television and radio programmes in his field as a guest participant.